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THE COMIC "REDRAT HUNT" will be delayed for a whyle,maybe untill the 15th of August when I intend to quit my summer job.Currently I'm on a laptop that doesn't really meet the requirements of my 3D program.Once I go back in my hometown I will be able to work on the comic.


FREE MODELS : If you need a 3D model,you can leave a reply on this site in the Facebook comments box.
(remember to tell the format you need.I support .c4d  and .obj)


MINECRAFT MOVIE - "ATTACK OF THE ENDERMEN" is in progress and I hope I finish it untill September.I need help though with the soundtracks,I got one friend that can help me but I'm not sure his soundtracks will fit,so if you are good in music editing,please get my skype/facebook from the contacts page!​


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